Helpful Tips To Keep Up With Your Social Media Marketing

Let’s face it; keeping up with a social media profile can be a hassle. If you own a business and find it difficult to update your profiles daily and reconnect with new customers, then it’s time to take a step back, look at the big picture and rethink your strategy to make things easier. Here are a few social media habits that not only will help ease the burden of keeping up with your online presence, but will also increase the volume of customer response for your brand.

Don’t Set It And Forget It

The largest marketing mistake companies make is creating a social media profile and leaving it as it is hoping it will grow and flourish, like a little seedling in the garden of the internet. Wrong. Honestly, would you purchase a puppy and expect it to feed, bath and walk itself? Establishing a social media presence for your company is a responsibility all on its own. Every morning, or at least every couple of days, check what’s going on in your profiles, whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. See what customers and/or visitors are saying, or more importantly, what they aren’t saying. Check if your media presence is where you want it to be. If not, rethink a new strategy. Come up with a game plan that will ensure the people on the net will see you for how you want to be seen.

The Cold Shoulder Never Worked For Anyone

Don’t ignore your customers. Seriously, don’t. They should be as important to you online as they are in person. Every private message or posted inquiry should be answered, timely. Leave the waiting game for the cable companies. Messages can come in any form, such as:

  • Facebook messages
  • Facebook wall posts
  • Facebook statutes
  • Direct Twitter messages
  • Twitter replies

In the off-chance an inquiry leaves a phone number or email address as an alternate form of contact, contact them that way. These interactions show you that your potential customer has shown interest in your company or business by more than simply browsing your page. You, in turn, show the customer that you are generally interested in what they have to say. These interactions can be good or bad. In the case that it’s bad, such as a negative review, or a customer venting about a service of yours, answer them anyway. Apologize and offer a way to rectify the situation. Even the customers that you may think you’ve lost can stay with you when you kill them with kindness (even if you don’t mean it).

Find Your Diamond In The Rough

Face it, not everyone that comes to your page will seek your services. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make the effort in trying to get their attention. Relating to your customers and/or visitors is essential if you want to keep your brand flourishing. Here’s an example; seek out any other brands like yours on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. Pay attention to who follows or likes them. Which of their services are most popular and which aren’t being offered? Use your competitor’s weakness to your advantage. The potential customer they lose can be yours through effective marketing strategies.

Contact Us

For more information on how to effectively market your business via social networking, contact Imagine It Studios today at (956)687-1521 or visit imagineitstudios.com.

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