Tenth Time’s the Charm: My (Late) Resolution for 2016

Healthy trail run

When I was 15, I decided to have my first New Year’s resolution. Right when the clock struck midnight in 2005, I set out to dial up my teenage charm and try my best to woo my crush into a short-lived high school romance. Oh, I remember her so well. Her face was raccoon-like, with big eyes hidden behind unflattering blotches of eyeliner and eyeshadow. And how could I forget that massive head of stiff neon hair? The way it changed colors every week was mesmerizing and the adorable way it began to thin out and dry up with every color treatment was something I will remember forever.

As my luck would have it, on the first day back to school, I found out she had moved to New York with her dad. Young, brokenhearted and disillusioned, I began my life through years characterized by a lack of motivation when it came to New Year’s resolutions.

A Decade of Procrastination

While my first New Year’s resolution fell flat on its face, I have to give myself credit for giving it another go. That’s right, the following year I promised myself I would make it a goal to save up enough money to buy my first vehicle. Unfortunately, that’s as far as my plan ever got. Upon realizing you need to work to get money, I asked myself a very important question: Who needs a car at 16 anyway, right? Needless to say, I didn’t have a car until well into my 20s.

In the following years, I resorted to the New Year’s resolutions everyone seems to stick to nowadays. They included things such as reorganizing my personal music library, increasing my fruit intake, decreasing my food intake and joining a gym. I’d like to think I actually completed that last one, but my friends tend to tell me I can only cross it off my list if I actually went to the gym. At one point I convinced myself that my New Year’s resolution would be to complete the previous year’s resolution. I kept that one up for so long that I ended up forgetting what the initial resolution was. This year, however, it’s going to be different.


I’m 25 now and the path of life is really starting to take shape for me, which prompted my decision to pull through with a New Year’s resolution once and for all. Seeing how I’ll be tying the knot this time next year, I’ve made a promise to myself to go from overweight to acceptably-overweight. I know 2016 just started, but if I play my cards right, this might actually be the first time I cross one off my list. It may have taken a while for me to put some effort into making the changes I wanted, but better late than never.

You see, change is something we should fully embrace, and at Imagine It Studios, we welcome it with open arms. Whether our clients are looking to revamp their website, spruce up their social media strategies or tone and define their presence through SEO optimization, our team is always here to help. Scared of taking that leap of faith? Don’t be. With our experience and expertise by your side, you’ll be on your way towards completing your New Year’s resolution in no time.

Osmar Alanis:
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